
Well it has been a long time since I last put hand to keyboard.  I am so not doing what I had intended to do.  Since Irma things have been plodding along.  This past year saw my Uncle Joe pass and having to deal with the estate and all that goes along.  What a nightmare.  Do your family a favor and have  a will drawn up.  Also in that time frame hubby wrecked on his bike and also fell off the roof.  He is ok thank goodness.  I am having surgery the end of the month so there will be challenges there.  I am hoping to have time to write some. 

Post Hurricane

You gotta love Mother Nature and her moods.  Sheesh.  While the weeks leading up to Irma hitting Florida was stressful, The week post with out electricity tested my resilience.  I am not a girl that likes to rough it.  I have found that out.  Camping in the summer in Florida is not something that I ever want to do at all again.  I was with out power for 7 days and when I saw the fan start to rotate, I must admit, I got butterflies.  I almost had tears in my eyes.  I saw one of the gentle men from out of town who got my power back and hugged him.  I am sorry I made him uncomfortable but I had to show my gratitude.  Thank you to whom ever you are.  So again since I had no power I did not get the story in yet.  I will.  For now its getting back to normal and continuing on. Thanks for reading.

Story Time

Well obviously I bit off more than I could chew.  I am not good with writing daily, so I need to change it to a weekly blog entry.  You never realize how busy your life is until you try to plan something daily that was not in the plan already.  Sorry for misleading you.  I did have all intentions to do this daily. Its funny really.  I had this topic I wanted to blog about and now that I am sitting in front of the computer, I cannot think of what it was.  I was ranting around the house about something.  Now that I cannot remember it is hard to find a topic.  Who knew that a talker cant think of something to talk about.   I belong to this writing group that was started by my neighbor.  Her and I are the only two that have consistently been there since day one.  It's a great time.  We write and share in a climate that does not feel like the critique is always red pen.  We laugh and giggle and carry one.  Everyone has that one character that they love to write about.  One is a kid
A little about me.   I am a mother of 3 boys and Grammy to 7.  That is hard to believe for me.  I would have never thought.  I am married to a retired military man who is now a stay at home husband.  I do not know how he does it.   I have work all sorts of jobs from the movie theater to department stores to nursing homes to doctors office.  I  have always wanted to work medical and I have.  Its my favorite thing.  That being said it is tough mentally and emotionally.  So I hope to use this blog as an outlet for all of that.  I also love to write and would like to one day get a story published.   I hope to blog something everyday but sometimes I may not be able to, so I will aim for most days.  Feel free to comment but blatant rude comments will be removed.  Thanks for your time. Livvia